HappyDay Cathedral
This map is my submission for the cathedral challenge of the "1st Urban Terror Artist's Tournament", a mapping competition from urbanterror.info. Here's a short description of the cathedral challenge from nemesis:
This particular challenge falls under the geometry and lighting category. We want submissions showing your prowess in geometry detail and ability to light up a building, but with no other forms of detailing. You may either do the inside OR the outside of a cathedral. Use a simple white or grey texture!
This map is NOT suitable for playing! The focus is clearly on detail rather than performance. I often used more vertices than necessary just to make a smoother curve. Furthermore, I did not pay too much attention to perfect brushwork. This map might not be the perfect example of proper mapping so be careful when you want to copy parts of it. The zip file contains a pk3, reference photos and screenshots. Inside the pk3 there's also a map file.
You are free to use this map as a base for your own map for any game as long as you credit me. I also would love to hear from you if you found my cathedral useful for any project of yours.
- HappyDay_Cathedral.zip
(17.1mb | 04 August 2010)