Happy Ice Jumps
This map was my submission for the first Urt Jumpers Fast Mapping Competition in February 2011 and originally called "z3qn5rw". The goal was to make an icy jump map with 4-6 jumps. The theme of the contest was "winter". Timelimit was aimed at 9 days. However I only noticed the challenge 4 days before the end and I thought "what the heck, let's do it in 4 days ". So this is what I came up with. I used a black sky and a lot of spikes to close off the map. Unfortunately some spikes make the map crash for (some) mac users. As I don't use a mac I didn't notice and after the release I tried to fix it but it's a pain in the a--. Now my motivation to fix the map is quite low. I moved on to other projects. Anyway, the map was voted 1st place by the public and I got 3rd place by the jury. I'm quite content with those results.
- ut4_ujfm-z3qn5rw.pk3
(5.2mb | 20 February 2011)
- ut4_happyicejumps_b1.pk3
(4.2mb | 15 January 2013)