
This map is my submission for the first Urt Jumpers Fast Mapping Competition in February 2011. The goal was to make an icy jump map with 4-6 jumps. The theme of the contest was "winter". Timelimit was aimed at 9 days. However I only noticed the challenge 4 days before the end and I thought "what the heck, let's do it in 4 days :)". So this is what I came up with. I used a black sky and a lot of spikes to close off the map. Unfortunately some spikes make the map crash for (some) mac users. As I don't use a mac I didn't notice and after the release I tried to fix it but it's a pain in the a--. Now my motivation to fix the map is quite low. I moved on to other projects. Anyway, the map was voted 1st place by the public and I got 3rd place by the jury. I'm quite content with those results.

z3qn5rw1 z3qn5rw2 z3qn5rw3
- Created by HappyDay -