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(22 March 2010)

I don't know if you're still interested (it's been 8 months, lol) but here are my two cents. This map is very very nice. You managed to create a brilliant atmosphere in your map. I like the detailed buildings and the (maybe unconventional) way you built the rock walls :). They fit nicely with the whole theme of the map. And you have a good choice of sounds that deepen the atmosphere. So, thumbs up! Here are just some minor issues to consider:

  • When you grab the last ledge at "Fortress: Lava pit" you can trigger the death sound (that evil laugh) as often as you want. Just move the trigger a bit further down.
  • There are a lot of lights in your map that do not have a light source. You did this literally all over the map. Here are just two examples of what I mean. Adding a lamp where there is light makes it look much more realistic and detailed. However if you would add a lamp for each light, fps would drastically go down I guess. So you might have done this on purpose, I dont know. Nevertheless, I think it at some places it looks much better when you add lamps. Like at "Fortress: Garden".
  • Here at "Fortress: Garden" these walls look a bit empty. Maybe add some lamps like I said before or just put some bricks on the ground or something similar.
  • I found two 'unknown' locations. One is after you jump down the well at "Angel: Griffin", the other one is after you walk into the building just behind the well.
  • At "Siren: Prison" you can walljump and grab the window and see a nowdraw texture.
  • At "Angel: Tavern" you can jump on one window that's high above the ground. I guess that's not intended.
  • And one last thing: I find it a bit sad that most of the clip brushes are so low. They're just above your head and at some places you can't even do one walljump without hitting the ceiling.

Apart from that, great map! I hope this helps :).

- Created by HappyDay -